Meredith Monk Vocal Ensemble member Allison Easter, Grammy winner and Musical Director of Tony-winning Broadway show ‘Indecent’ Lisa Gutkin, and multi-lingual, interdisciplinary artist and curator of Women Between Arts Luisa Muhr.
The New School, Arnhold Hall Glass Box Theater (55 W 13th St, New York, NY 10011)
Please be advised that you will have to buy all tickets in advance via Eventbrite as The New School policy does not allow cash at the door.
“Why Don’t You Play Something Jewish” or “Just Push Play” explores Lisa’s diverse artistic choices and the crazy life they have taken her to against the backdrop of Followers of the Trail, the hiking group/bungalow colony founded by her Yiddish speaking grandparents and their friends. Lisa credits her first published essay, written for Aaron Rezny’s book Eating Delancey, and a concert at the Eldridge Street Museum dedicated to the Triangle Waist Shirt Factory workers and the union activism that followed, as early steps toward this work in progress.
Women Between Arts is an interdisciplinary arts series curated by Luisa Muhr at The New School (Arnhold Hall Glass Box Theater).
The series is for women who work with elements/a combination of music, theater, dance, poetry, and/or visual arts in an unconventional way. Each series will feature 2-3 women artists and their work. The pieces will be 10-15 minutes each and there will be a talk-back after the performances where audience members will have the opportunity to learn more about the artists, their work, and their process.
Women Between Arts has been created to provide a platform for and encourage dialogue between strong female artists of at least one or a combination of multiple fields to create interdisciplinary work.