6:30 PM Doors Open
7:00 PM Acoustic Jam
8:00 PM Open Mic
9:00 PM Featured Artist - Lisa’s Pieces
Refreshments will be served, please bring a dish to share.
Westchester Blugrass Club evenings usually start with an open jam, followed by an open mic, then a headlining act. Esteemed musicians including Tony Trischka, Barry Mitterhoff, Jen Larson and Grant Gordy have played the clubhouse.
Audience members and musicians bring food or drinks to share, their instruments and love of bluegrass; creating a community unique in Westchester County. All ages and abilities are welcome
The Westchester Bluegrass Club, grew out of musicians passion for the music and a desire to bring great bluegrass acts to a small local venue. Through the dedication of Mike Burns, Ben Freed and Michael Rosenthal, with the help of friends; small concerts have been brought to the Purdy's Lake House for over 15 years.